Unmanned Aerial Surveying


Aerial LiDAR Scanning Saves Time and Costs 

KPM Franklin’s unmanned aerial surveying (UAS) services uses light detection and ranging (LiDAR) scanning to drastically decrease survey lead time and reduce costs while also providing the benefits of 3D modeling at scale.

In the right project environment, aerial LiDAR scanning can reduce two weeks of traditional field survey time to as little as two days.

The larger the project requirements, the greater the return from an aerial LiDAR scan.


Quick Reference Digital Archive Saves Costs

When transitioning a project from due diligence to the design phase, a developer will occasionally need more information than requested in the original survey scope for drainage, roadway, utilities and other onsite or offsite improvements.

An aerial LiDAR scan can collect data points beyond the original scope to create a digital archive for quick reference throughout the project life cycle yielding significant cost savings by project completion.


An aerial LiDAR scan collects millions of raw data points to form a high-density point cloud. Survey data extracted from the point cloud provides much greater detail than traditional survey methods while reducing the need for assumptions in a design environment.


Processing software can render the point cloud into a 3D model for creating highly accurate surface, elevation and terrain maps.

Evaluate your Project with a 3D Flythrough

We can help you evaluate your project site by creating a 3D animated flythough video that provides an accurate representation of the intricate details within the built-up space, such as buildings, fencing, sign posts, trees, shrubs and other above ground features.

The animated 3D flythough is rendered from the the high-density point cloud of raw data points collected through aerial LiDAR scanning and provides another fast option for a land developer to evaluate future uses for the site.

Electric Utility Transmission Line Mapping

For about half the price of a helicopter flight, we can fly electric utility corridors to map transmission lines, insulators, poles and other structural assets within centimeters of their exact location for identifying areas where encroaching vegetation could cause an outage.

We also can create a 3D model and output ultra high-resolution images for the following.

  • Calculate pole height and lean
  • Determine exact distance between transmission lines and vegetation
  • Identify locations where older transmission lines are sagging and need maintenance
Material Stockpile Volumetric Calculation

KPM Franklin can create more accurate volumetric calculations of material stockpiles of any size or shape in a fraction of the time it takes by traditional surveying methods.

Our LiDAR scanning drone can repeat the same flight path to monitor changes in volume over time. This is an invaluable tool for projects where precision, consistency and timely data can make all the difference.

We combine an experienced and dedicated team with cutting-edge technology to ensure that you receive top-tier service at every step throughout this process.


Our Services

Whether your project requires the intricate details of a large-scale map or broad area details of a small-scale map, we use the best available technologies and highest quality assurance and quality control procedures when providing the following services.
  • LiDAR 3D Scanning
  • 2D Surface Maps - Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and Digital Surface Model (DSM)
  • Georeferenced Orthomosaic Maps
  • Electric Utility Transmission Line Mapping
  • Material Stockpile Volumetric Calculation
  • Utility Corridor Mapping
  • Asset Inspection and Management
  • 3D Data Modeling and Visualization
  • Aerial Thermal Imaging

Let's Connect

Interested in joining us? KPM Franklin is always looking for qualified talent.